Monday, January 30, 2012

January 2012

So, January was a long month, but not too eventful...Here are the highlights...

I moved into an apartment with a friend...yes, I have moved 3 times in the last 5 months (but am now in a 13 month lease) I am hopeful I'll be here for a while.

I experienced unbelievable pain at work. I love my job, but dealing with people with drug problems, and there are bound to be consequences. Being who I am, that is hard and I am grateful for God listening to my cries and co-workers who were just as upset as me, to talk with and work with to help make the situation right.

I began the prep work for February...I am going to be busy, and am so excited, because a lot of people I love are coming to visit!

I know, not a super exciting month...I will work on that for next month. '

Books this month: I didn't read anything but the Bible this month...I am reading Professor Horner's plan (which is 10 chapters from 10 different books each day). I'm enjoying it...feel free to jump in. It's only a 250 day plan, and isn't too late to join and still read through the Bible in a year :)

Songs this month: Be Near Me by Bethany Dillon...pretty much been listening to it on repeat.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in Review...

January: I watched one of my best friends get married, had a dance party and said a temporary good bye to close friends as they moved to AZ.

Februrary: I made big life decisions.

March: Plane trip to Arizona to visit, and had my heart broken for the Japanese people.

April: I prayed for a chance to go to Japan, celebrated women's luncheon  (4 generations together!), visited my best friend from the third grade and her family and I turned 25.

May: I finished working at the best preschool in the nation (Harmony School), and was blessed to receive about $3,000 to go to Japan and help with relief work. I saw God provide in big ways and move mountains for me...My faith was grown.

June: I went to Japan and had my life changed forever. I left my heart in Japan and came back to the states.

July: I visited Arizona, went back to Colorado, packed my things, said my good-byes and cried as I moved away.

August: I settled in and applied to jobs, got a job and started working.

September: I began to hate my job and started looking for a new one.

October: I visited family, watched my best friend get married, applied for jobs and had interviews.

November: I got a new job, and enjoyed Thanksgiving with friends in Arizona.

December: I started my new job, which is a great fit, and went home for Christmas and then to Faithwalkers with friends, which was amazing! 

This year, I saw God provide in impossible situations time and again and watched as he answered a great number of prayers...Prayers of all kinds too. I now know it is possible to move mountains and I am excited to do so out here in Arizona. This year my faith was grown and it was tested. I faced some of the hardest trials I've ever gone through and saw some of the most amazing things of my life. This year I traveled by myself for the first time, watched 3 of my closest friends get married, left North America for the first time, and saw the ocean for the second time. I made big, and life changing decisions and I moved away from all I knew and those I love most.  I also saw the cross in a new light and am so grateful for all He's cone for me

2011 was epic and I know there will be stories of it for a lifetime. I cannot wait to see the eternal fruit this year will produce, I'm praying for some big and specific things!

My prayer for 2011 year was that 
I would have 'beautiful feet' 
as Romans 10:15 says: 
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

God was kind enough to answer that prayer and allow me to bring His good news not only to my home town, but to a sister church in a new state and to an island on the other side of the world!

I am excited to continue my walk and am faithfully praying for big and specific things for 2012! Please keep coming by for updates.