Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 2013

This month has been busy and wonderful!

I've spent more time getting back in touch with friends, settling in and enjoying time with family. I spent the first week of November travelling for work. It was not the fanciest of accommodations and the lack of healthy food made me sick, but I learned a lot and it mad me more confident in my work.

I am loving my job and am finding my groove with the workload and driving. I have met all sorts of families in my own town that I never would have had a chance to meet, and am able to make a big difference in some families' lives.

This month my fatigue level has become a concern and a new priority to figure out what's going on. I had a Thyroid ultrasound, and all came back normal. I will pursue some other avenues in December to figure out what's going on and begin to work on it.

Thanksgiving...Oh Thanksgiving! I absolutely love my family and look forward to every time I get to be with them. This year was a bit different with people coming for dessert or leaving to have dessert elsewhere...but families evolve (especially when significant others are involved). Despite the coming and going, it was still a great holiday. It also happened to be my mom's birthday, so I spent the evening at my parents' house (which is a 2 min drive away).

I spent the day after Thanksgiving with my mom too. We decorated for Christmas at my Nana's (my home too), went out to lunch with my aunt and then went to my parents' house and decorated for Christmas there too.

I am thankful for such an amazing family! Loving, close knit, silly, intelligent, and so much more! My financial situation has gotten even more tough, but I bought a car I will be able to travel safely in. Nana has been a life saver, letting me live in her basement for free. My plan is to stay here until at least April and knock out a little bit of debt.

Hopefully I will have some answers on this fatigue for my next post.

Books this month: Kitty and the Midnight Hour (good book. I spent a lot of time reading magazines and settling in...that is when I wasn't napping)

Songs this month: Safe Place by Enter the Worship Circle (Seriously an AMAZING song). I am super excited to have a CDplayer in my car again :)

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