Monday, October 7, 2013

September 2013

September was spent packing and saying good bye to Arizona...

I AM BACK IN CO!!! I moved in with my Nana, just about a mile away from my parents and right by a main road to the rest of my family out here. It's so SO nice!

We're all safe from the flooding and things are settling down out here.

I got a job working in the school district out here with a program where I will be doing early intervention and working with families who are pregnant or have kids up to age 3. I am doing a lot of training now, but will be in the field here pretty soon. I am really enjoying it and think I am going to keep enjoying it.

Please pray that I do, as I can't afford to switch jobs again. Also pray for provision as the move was very costly (my car needed over $1000 in repair just before the move, on top of moving costs and time off with out pay to move)...It's been rough and is going to be rough for a while.

Short update, but I'm tired and it was way over due!

I'm settling in to the routine here and am loving the family time I am getting, it's exactly what I needed. My stress level has shot way down and I am hoping to get back into a healthy lifestyle and enjoy love and support once again.

Books this month: Finished all the Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow series and moved
Music this month: Still into Imagine Dragons Radioactive and Country music.

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