January was a good month. One I desperately needed.
I left for Colorado on the 23 of December and was able to stay in Colorado until the 23rd of January. It worked out that I was able to keep my job, and I missed my girls. I had serious anxiety about how it would be when I returned to work, but so far, so good, and my girls missed me too.
I spend January staying with my Nana, in her newly finished and awesome basement. I was able to spend some more time with her than I would have otherwise. I also had an opportunity to catch up with good friends and had LOTS of time with family. Taking my daddy on dates, eating meals with my family, spending time with Katie and her family too. It was nice to have that normalcy again in my life, despite some really hard things that have happened in CO recently.
Nana is recovering fabulously from her hip replacement and is already back to walking her dog Dickens. My "nieces" and nephews are growing like weeds and, they all still know and miss me. I have to tell you it feels good to have them come running to my arms when they see me :)
I was also able to serve the Alvarado family while I was out there and help with cleaning and child care. The kids are getting so big (except for little Esther, who is doing really well). She has completed chemo and her stem cell transplant and is now onto radiation. Once that is complete, she will be able to return home. She will still have no immune system for about 6 months and they will have to keep an isolated, germ free lifestyle, but at least they will all be together.
We moved to a bigger apartment on the 24th, and I have spent the days since then unpacking, organizing, cleaning and settling in. I have also signed up for an online class and will be spending copious amounts of time reading for the assignments. I am going to really enjoy the class though :)
Not much else I can say about January, but all in all it was good to be able to be home and see to some things and feel some normalcy. I miss it a lot already.
Books this month: I started reading Beautiful Creatures (it's being made into a movie) and it's good so far.
Music this month: I am still on a country music kick, but my brother gave me some Ozzy Osbourne cds for Christmas and I am LOVING having those :) ...just need a cd player in my car.