Well, February was a bit more of the same old same old. Grocery shopping on Mondays with some of the women at church, Bible study every other Tuesday with a group from church and then work Wednesday - Saturday.
I am really loving this job. Was sworn in to court and testified for the first time this month...weird experience. Still going through that hard thing that happened...and am praying for resolution in March.
Excitingly though, not all of the month was same old, same old...I had some good friends visit for a weekend and had a chance to catch up with them for a bit (even hit my first AZ brewery).
And then two weeks later, my PARENTS CAME TO VISIT! They stayed with family friends, spending Saturday with them...Then on Sunday they joined me for church and my adventures, joining me in re-potting and planting, and game night. My dad joined the men folk and entertained them greatly with his character and my mom was amazing at Apples to Apples, among other games. Then on Monday, my folks met me for breakfast and we went to the zoo, then out to lunch, then to a movie and finally to dinner. It was REALLY GOOD TO SEE THEM!
The day they left town, I woke up at 7:15am with a gall bladder attack and haven't been the same sense. Prayer for health and wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Check in next month to see how things are progressing with health and work. Not a whole lot planned for March, but I am taking 2 trips in April.
Love ya!