Augsut 2011, how you were a whirlwind of change and emotion!
I moved out of my hometown and away from all of my family and almost all of my friends and into the desert to help a church and obey God. It's crazy from the world's point of view, and right now I don't see the fruit or understand it myself, I only know that God is going to do something great and I am trusting and working to see it happen.
I spent the beginning of August job hunting, as I decided not to go to school down here because it would cost too much money. I got so sick of online applications that I spent a day just going around and handing out my resume...and got a call back! I went to the interview and was offered the job, so I am now employed.
I am just over half way through training now and am nervous and excited for this job. I will be doing direct support work with kids, and trying out this social work sphere. I am aprehensive of emotional support for myself, as I am one who feels things very deeply for others. I am excited, because I am one of those people who genuinely loves everyone and may be able to bring a child much needed love and we'll see how it goes. Prayer for that would be amazing.
I spent the last half of August getting life switched out here (getting my car registered, finding a gym, getting a new license, etc...) and housesitting for some family friends. It was a good last few weeks of unemployment in that I got to rest, read a ton and spend time with Jesus and getting to know the family I am living with...
I am living with a family of 4. A couple and their 2 teenage kids. This is a whole new deal for me, and I'm still figuring out my role...As of right now, I have no chores around the house (which is so weird).
I have adjusted to the move better than I anticipated (or it hasn't hit me yet and the crying will come soon). Either way, I am well now. I miss my family terribly and get nervous with such big roads and so much traffic, but I am enjoying palm trees and my friends here. I am enjoying the freedom that comes from knowing I'm in God's will too, and that is a great freedom to have.
So, as fall begins and it cools down here (they tell me it will happen soon...though I remain skeptical each day it remains as hot as the last), I am getting ready to dive in deeper and figure out how to serve this church and love it's people. I am going to figure out how to be effective for Christ and will continue to pray for more single women friends....God was SO kind to send me a new friend the very first week I got here, though, so that's awesome! I am also hoping for a roommate out here so I can invite single women over more for hangouts and such.
This is an interesting trip around the sun for sure though, if you had told me last August that I'd be here this August, I would have laughed at you and then been sad that my dreams of home might not come true. Now, I have let them go and am ready to go where God leads me. I am still praying about what my involement in Japan should be (I still miss those people dearly and pray for them all the time...a pastor we worked with out there found an unreached area last week, and was able to give them their first warm meal (and meat) in 4 months).
I am so thankful that God's love never fails and holding firmly to the promise that He will always be with me.
August was a whirlwind, but it was so good too. Tune in next month to see what's new and how work is going...
Books this month: Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan...I'm on book 6 or seven now. They are for sure a fun read!
Songs this month: One Thing Remains (Jesus Culture), My Savior (Steele Crosswhite), How Long (10th Avenue North)