Monday, March 10, 2014

2014 thus far

I haven't posted this year for a few reasons...

I haven't really done anything exciting enough to post about and in honestly life is just not great and I have no motivation to write about it.

Since right before moving home, the financial surprises began and the hits have just kept coming. I now have no savings and owe more money in immediate bills due, than I make in one month (and those bills aren't even my usual monthly bills). I found 3 part time gigs to help with income, but they're inconsistent and don't pay much...and with the hits that I've been getting lately, they don't really make enough of a difference to be worth it.

I am really struggling with bitterness toward God. He knows how much I'm struggling and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and yet, here I sit in so much debt I will never be able to live independently. I am not saying that God needs to pay off my debt, buy me a house and a Mustang...that's the prosperity gospel and that's crap...but God is Lord Provider and He could prevent a few of these $1000 expenses that keep popping up. Just last week, my car cost me $850 and then today I came home to another unexpected medical bill.

I'm tired. Exhausted. Tired of trying to make some leeway, cause each time I get excited I'm on the right track, another blow comes flying at me. My credit card has been helpful for these hits that I no longer have savings for, but with more than a few thousand dollar hits, and interest compounding daily...I'm trapped.

So if you think about it, would you pray for encouragement and for a break...pray that no more unexpected hits would come my way and that one of my side gigs would become more regular and that I would be able to start making a dent int this debt.

Books: None new ones. Haven't cared to read.

Songs: None really stick out. 

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